Imitum Trademark - Imitum (r)

Imitum Trademark

Czech for foreigners / Trademark

Imitum® Trademark – rules of its use

The company Kvintech solution, s.r.o. is the sole owner of the registered trademark Imitum®. Unless otherwise adjusted in the contract, the following conditions regarding the use of the trademark will apply:

  1. Stating the trademark on this website does not grant permission for their use by a person other than the owner. Thus, no information on this website should be interpreted as indirect, legal or other granting of any license or right to use the trademark stated on this site without the permission of the company Kvintech solution, s.r.o. If such use without the permission of the company Kvintech solution, s.r.o. occurred, it will be considered a violation of the rights of the owner.

  2. Observing the following conditions, the Imitum® trademark may be used for advertising and promotional texts supporting the reputation of the Imitum® brand. In this case:
    • no other form of the word “Imitum” or its derivatives may be used
    • the symbol ® after the word “Imitum” appears only when first used in the text
    • the ownership of the rights to the Imitum® trademark must be stated in the following form:

„Imitum® is a registered trademark of the company Kvintech solution, s.r.o.“



Requests for consent to use the registered trademark Imitum® should be sent to