Advantages of Czech for foreigners

Advantages of Czech for foreigners

Czech for foreigners / Advantages of Czech for foreigners

What are the advantages of Czech for foreigners?

Time savings

With the Imitum method, it’s enough to study 20 minutes a day.
You can study the online Czech course anytime and anywhere.
Try it A girl studying Czech for foreigners - with Imitum

You don’t need talent

With the Imitum method, you don’t need talent.
You will learn Czech as easily as you learned your mother tongue.
Try it A girl studying Czech for foreigners - with Imitum method

Logical memory

Czech for foreigners is the right thing for you.
The course uses the Imitum method, and therefore, you learn naturally.
Try it A girl studying Czech for foreigners - with Imitum method

Correct pronunciation

The Imitum method is advantageous for online courses for self-learners.
You can be at home alone when practising pronunciation.
Try it A girl studying Czech for foreigners - with Imitum method

Saving money

Czech for foreigners is suitable for all levels.
You simply imitate native speakers – it’s natural, effective and fast.
Try it A girl studying Czech for foreigners - with Imitum method
you can saving time

Saving time – 20 minutes a day are enough

Time is money, and, in this respect, learning Czech can be a very expensive thing. But not with the Czech for foreigners course. Thanks to the unique Imitum method, you can spend just as much time studying as you can afford.

If you are currently unable to study Czech at full stretch, just play the recordings of native speakers in the background and study passively when doing something else. That counts too!

You don’t need talen

You don’t need talent - the same method you learned your mother tongue

Don’t have a talent for languages? It doesn’t matter! You don’t need it with the Imitum method. It will learn you Czech the same way you learned your mother tongue.

Easily and naturally, as little children learn. And you really don’t need talent for that...

Logical memor

Logical memor - easily and for a long time

Do you already have a problem remembering Czech words or grammar? That’s why Czech for foreigners uses logical memory, which is more advantageous for studying foreign languages. Why?

  • logical memory improves with age
  • information is much easier to remember
  • you will remember information much longer
  • you learn from native speakers

    Correct pronunciation - you learn from native speakers

    You will learn good Czech pronunciation only from native speakers. You usually have to pay extra money for a lesson with a native speaker, but not in Czech for foreigners. Only native speakers narrated it.

    You listen and imitate native speakers when learning. Only then will you learn the correct Czech pronunciation.

    Saving money

    Saving money - one course for beginners and advanced

    Do you and other members of your family want to learn Czech? At the same time, your offspring already learn Czech at school, but you belong among complete beginners? It doesn’t matter. The Imitum method allows you to study one course for all. It will give something different to different people with different knowledge of Czech. The beginner learns Czech from scratch, and the advanced improves listening, vocabulary and pronunciation.

    Thousands of satisfied users and partners, including:

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    Take a look at the references of our customers.

    Quick purchase

    Complete Czech

    All lessons for Czech
    Introductory price     3.990 Kč    2 990 Kč
    Click to see details about this course

    The online course Complete Czech will guide you through the most common topics from everyday life and the work environment. In the course, you will find a lot of patterns, examples, phrases, sentences and useful words, with the knowledge of which no one will surprise you. The course is suitable for those who want to stay for a time in the Czech Republic.

    Thanks to the native speakers who have prepared and narrated the course, your language skills will improve to the communicating level. You will learn the correct pronunciation. It can provide you with information on obtaining a long-term visa or permanent residence.

    The period of access to teaching materials is 7 years.

    The teaching materials include:

    • 31 lessons
    • 3 275 sentences
    • 7 538 unique words (vocabulary)
    • 8 h 30 min of spoken word
      Try for free

    List of lessons

    • Jak se učit češtinu
    • Basic phrases
    • Elemental questions
    • Alphabet
    • Numbers
    • Description, location
    • Personal pronouns and the verb to be
    • Enumerations and lines
    • Date and time
    • Weather
    • TranSport
    • Food
    • Accommodation
    • At work in Czechia for the first time
    • Money, bank, exchange office
    • Human body
    • House, housing
    • School and education
    • Poznej ČR
    • Making introductions
    • On a visit
    • Happy life
    • Behaviour, feelings, emotions
    • Infrastruktura
    • Miraculous Alveo
    • Museum visit
    • Hall, stadium
    • Theatre
    • Asylum and migration
    • Sport
    • School
    • National symbols
    You will get these lessons only in this course