references to the Czech for Foreigners course

The newest references to the online Czech using the Imitum method

Czech for foreigners / references
reference Sergej Ivanovič
After arriving in the Czech Republic, I didn’t know any Czech, so I was hired as a worker. Thank you very much for the Czech language course for foreigners. The Imitum method helped me to use my education quickly, so I have already become the master builder.
Sergej Ivanovič master builder, arrived from Omsk
reference Jelena Petrova comes from the city of Samara
I wanted a better evaluation of my work. In order to become independent, I had to manage communication with customers in Czech. Although the older generation speaks a little Russian (and that was a nice surprise for me), knowledge of Czech is still absolutely necessary. My dream has come true – I have my own salon! And also, I can practice my Czech in it practically every day.
Jelena PetrovaOwner of a hairdressing salon, comes from the city of Samara
Viktor Stupka comes from the city of Lviv - reference
Even though I have a dental practice, I was first hired as a dental assistant. But in a few months, I was able to communicate with the Czechs in their language. There is no doubt that my Czech is not perfect at all, but I can make myself understood! And I owe this to your Czech – I was very convinced by the teaching method itself. I don’t think it is possible to learn a language that fast with the classic method.
Viktor Stupkadentist, comes from the city of Lviv
reference Oksana Leštěnko (Myrnohrad)
I was looking for a better opportunity for myself, so I went to the Czech Republic – after all, it is a country that is closer to us than other countries. I started working in a supermarket, and I was replenishing goods. In the meantime, I was learning Czech – I tried three courses in total. Every course has its own benefits. At first, the method seemed very good to me, but my friend recommended me to hold on for a month, and after that, I would start to see practical benefits. I am grateful for this recommendation, and I can confirm it myself. After all, I already work in the supermarket at the checkout counter, which gives me a much greater reward.
Oksana Leštěnkosaleswoman, comes from the town of Myrnohrad
reference Charles Glover from Bredford
My colleague from work is Czech. He could speak English with me, and I thought it would be fair to return it. 😊 I learn Czech with the Czech language for foreigners course. The results were obvious after a month. He said to me: “let’s have a beer!” And I replied: “dáme si jedno!” Yes, it looks funny, but it gave me more enthusiasm for work and learning!
Charles Glovercomes from the city of Bredford
Emily Greenway (Ohio) - reference
My friend and I are athletes. We travel all over the world, and the Czech Republic captivated us – not only with Prague but mainly with nature! We are returning to the Czech Republic and getting to know the local culture. And we are learning Czech. Learning from books wasn’t efficient – which is why we have chosen the online course Czech for foreigners. And we started to enjoy it a lot! Most importantly, we can apply our knowledge quickly in practice.
Emily Greenwaytourist, lives in the city of Ohio