Permanent residence in the Czech Republic

Permanent residence in the Czech Republic

Czech for foreigners / Your intention / Permanent residence

Permanent residence

Do you want to live in the Czech Republic permanently? Are you looking for a place where you want to live with your family or to start a new family?

As part of its migration and asylum policy, the Czech Republic is open to those who want to respect life according to Czech laws.
As part of the migration procedure, it is also necessary to pass an exam in the knowledge of the Czech language, as well as the exam in knowledge about the Czech Republic. Among other things, this Czech language course will help you with these exams.

This course is prepared according to the special Imitum method, thanks to which you can master the Czech language quickly and without stress. There are special lessons in the course to help you with gaining a permanent residence, such as:

  • Asylum and migration – topics to negotiate with officials, information to arrange a stay
  • Get to know the Czech Republic – basic general information about the Czech Republic
  • National symbols – basic orientation in national symbolism
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Have you noticed that the course contains over 30 topics? From infrastructure, tranSport, accommodation, or Sports, to topics such as school, a museum visit, and the like. The topics are chosen to allow you to absorb the basic vocabulary for everyday life in the Czech Republic.

With the Imitum method, you will get:

  • Up to 5 times faster way of learning the Czech language
  • You will learn the correct pronunciation – recordings of native speakers
  • Learning without theoretical information – you have accurate sentences on how Czechs speak or which you can find on the Internet
  • The Imitum method doesn’t examine – you just learn without stress and at ease

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Complete Czech

All lessons for Czech
Introductory price     3.990 Kč    2 990 Kč
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The online course Complete Czech will guide you through the most common topics from everyday life and the work environment. In the course, you will find a lot of patterns, examples, phrases, sentences and useful words, with the knowledge of which no one will surprise you. The course is suitable for those who want to stay for a time in the Czech Republic.

Thanks to the native speakers who have prepared and narrated the course, your language skills will improve to the communicating level. You will learn the correct pronunciation. It can provide you with information on obtaining a long-term visa or permanent residence.

The period of access to teaching materials is 7 years.

The teaching materials include:

  • 31 lessons
  • 3 275 sentences
  • 7 538 unique words (vocabulary)
  • 8 h 30 min of spoken word
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List of lessons

  • Jak se učit češtinu
  • Basic phrases
  • Elemental questions
  • Alphabet
  • Numbers
  • Description, location
  • Personal pronouns and the verb to be
  • Enumerations and lines
  • Date and time
  • Weather
  • TranSport
  • Food
  • Accommodation
  • At work in Czechia for the first time
  • Money, bank, exchange office
  • Human body
  • House, housing
  • School and education
  • Poznej ČR
  • Making introductions
  • On a visit
  • Happy life
  • Behaviour, feelings, emotions
  • Infrastruktura
  • Miraculous Alveo
  • Museum visit
  • Hall, stadium
  • Theatre
  • Asylum and migration
  • Sport
  • School
  • National symbols
You will get these lessons only in this course